And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. Luke 17:17-18 The principle of thanksgiving is the secret of multiplicity- Apostle Joshua Selman N. Ten healed, just one came back to give glory, what an attitude. Christ urged them t go. Does it surprise you that He could still ask after the other nine? That’s because he expected them to come and say thank you. Nine were healed but one was made whole; that’s the power of thanksgiving. There are lots of lessons to learn from this Bible story. A friend once said; don’t expect your tank to be full when you are not thankful. Oh! How I wish you understand the power of thanksgiving. If only you understand the efficacy of appreciating God, you will never let an hour pass you by without taking a stop to say thank you Jesus. Being so blinded by what we don’t have we actually forget to see that which we have ...
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