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And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?
There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.
Luke 17:17-18
The principle of thanksgiving is the secret of multiplicity- Apostle Joshua Selman N.
Ten healed, just one came back to give glory, what an attitude.  Christ urged them t go. Does it surprise you that He could still ask after the other nine? That’s because he expected them to come and say thank you.  Nine were healed but one was made whole; that’s the power of thanksgiving. There are lots of lessons to learn from this Bible story.
 A friend once said; don’t expect your tank to be full when you are not thankful. Oh! How I wish you understand the power of thanksgiving. If only you understand the efficacy of appreciating God, you will never let an hour pass you by without taking a stop to say thank you Jesus.  Being so blinded by what we don’t have we actually forget to see that which we have and to also thank God for them. We have so let complaints and murmurings fill our lives to the extent that if someone sees us, he or she might be tempted to remark “what an unfair or poor God they serve” This shouldn’t be the case.
A gift you don’t appreciate depreciates

You wake up each day grumbling about everything that isn’t going well in your life, forgetting that there are a lot of things that has been going well which you have failed to notice.  Until you make thanksgiving your lifestyle, life will remain complicated to you. The only way the burdens of your heart can be pushed away is through a heartfelt thanksgiving and praise. As simple as it sounds it is what gives you a head way if you want to receive from God.  Have you ever paused to meditate on Philippians 4;6? It says you should fret over nothing rather dial the prayer number when you have an issue of concern. But the most amazing thing is that this call and only goes through if you also punch the numbers with thanksgiving. Prayer and thanksgiving are inseparable. You are wondering why most answers don’t come when you pray? I guess it lacked the ore ingredient called THANKSGIVING. 

The world will say wait till it’s done but the kingdom principles states “praise makes it happen”. Little wonder Jesus said “Father thank you for I know you have heard me....John 11. Now I understand why he took the bread and fish and instead of casting and binding like some of us will do today, he chose to give thanks... friend! Wake up each day appreciating what God has done instead of analyzing all that you don’t have yet, and all the national problems you see on TV.  Forget about the debts and bills and thank God for the ones He has done for you already. By so doing you get Him to do more.

When prayer lacks its core ingredient which is THANKSGIVING; no need waiting for an answer
It’s really agonizing when you come into the church and the pastors say “any testimony” and you see a handful coming out to tell us about their new assets and liabilities.  Look, we all are living testimonies, whether we possess new assets or not. The greatest miracle isn’t that of a new car or house, but BEING ALIVE.  Whenever I wake up each day, I say a big thank you to God and this is irrespective of whether there is meal or not. And if I must be frank, I cannot say thank you to God and go empty handed.
Let’s take a turn here. In Act 16, Paul and Silas were flogged and thrown into the prison for preaching the gospel.  You see, obstacles in your life don’t always come because you did something wrong.  Sometimes God allows certain difficulties in your life so that His glory will be revealed. If you will be faithful in the uncertainty, He will do something great in your life. The most interesting part of the story in Acts 16 is the fact that these men despite their chains and pains went ahead to give God a dance. They praised God. They didn’t do this for five minutes; neither did they do it for one hour. They did it for as long as it took for their victory to be delivered.  You may feel like the world is on top of you- your children are always visiting the hospital, expected returns in business is no longer coming forth, your marriage isn’t what it used to be, your academics is giving you sleepless nights, you have a health condition which threatens your peace, well- PRAISE GOD. Give God the dance even when you don’t feel like doing it.  Just like Paul and Silas, find good in every situation and lift up your voice to the one who seats on the throne.  Do this with all your heart because your PRAISE IS YOUR PATH WAY TO GLORY.
Thanksgiving lets your heart free of worries and enables you enjoy the best God offers you.

“Praise and thanksgiving is that little push that flings wide-open the door of miracles” – Kingsley Obiefule
You complain about your worn out shoes, yet my greatest desire is to have a leg to at least enable me walk. You complain about the kind of meal in front of you, yet I wish I had any to eat at all. You complain about your job and house and yet my earnest desire is to stop sleeping in uncompleted buildings and get a job. You complain about your parents, yet some persons wish they had people to call dad and mum.  You are tired of your wardrobe, yet some persons can’t boast of two shirts or trousers.
Friend! Most things you complain about and despise are someone’s earnest prayer and cries.... think about it.
Resolve to give God the dance and you will realize how simple and great your life would turn out to be in no time.
Remember, you don’t actually know how to pray when you don’t know how to praise God - Pst. Ezekiel Attang


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