Wao! It feels great to be alive you know.
I have come to understand that the best use of life is LOVE. It is what makes
life interesting. It is what helps us maintain peace in life. Love should be
your priority, objective and greatest ambition. Love is not a good part of your
life; it is the most important part of life. Relationships must have priority
in your life above everything else. Why? Life without love is worthless. This
is the reason Paul declared that even with all his spiritual gifts and giving,
without love he is nothing.
Often we act as if relationships are something to be
squeezed into our schedule. We talk about finding time for our children or
making time for people in our lives. That gives the impression that
relationships are just a part of our lives along with many other tasks. But God
says relationship is all about. Four to ten commandments deal with our
relationship to God, while the rest deal with our relationship to people. But
all ten are about relationships! Later Jesus summarized what matters most to
God in two statement: love God and love people.
Relationships, not achievement of things or acquisition of
objects are what matters in life. So why do we all allow our relationships to
get the short end of the stick? Busyness is a great enemy of relationships. We
become preoccupied with making money, doing our work, paying bills, doing
church and accomplishing tasks as if these tasks are the point of life. They
are not. The point of life is learning to love- God and people. Life minus love
is zero.

At this point, it would be important that I tell you that
the importance of things can be measured by how much time we are willing to
invest in them. The more time you give to something, the more you reveal its
importance. If you want to know a persons priority, just look at how they use
their time. Time is a very precious gift because you can make more money and
buy more cars but you cant make more time. The essence of love is not what we
provide or think or do, but how much we give of ourselves. Men often don’t
understand this.

If you love your wife, give her more time. If you love your
children, prove it. If you love your family, give them what they need, and if
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