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And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. Luke 17:17-18 The principle of thanksgiving is the secret of multiplicity- Apostle Joshua Selman N. Ten healed, just one came back to give glory, what an attitude.  Christ urged them t go. Does it surprise you that He could still ask after the other nine? That’s because he expected them to come and say thank you.  Nine were healed but one was made whole; that’s the power of thanksgiving. There are lots of lessons to learn from this Bible story.  A friend once said; don’t expect your tank to be full when you are not thankful. Oh! How I wish you understand the power of thanksgiving. If only you understand the efficacy of appreciating God, you will never let an hour pass you by without taking a stop to say thank you Jesus.  Being so blinded by what we don’t have we actually forget to see that which we have ...
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  1. DON’T DEPEND ON THE GRADE “Go to school, read hard, come out with a good grade and you will secure a good job and would live the kind of life you want”… this is a common phrase sang in the ears of the young one always, my parents told me same too. But in the present day in this part of the world, it has failed, and not just that it failed, it has crashed a lot of lives especially those who held to that kind of philosophy in life. Many people have gotten the good grades but still don’t know their bearings in life. Some have gotten the good paycheck, yet are not happy with their lives. How far you go in life has nothing to do with your grades. I would like you to pause and give this a thought. Are all those unemployed today, people with low grades or people without certificates? All those living meaningful life who also have recorded great success in their lives, are they graduates of one prestigious university with good grades? The belief that schoo...


Living a productive isn’t really about having a swollen bank account, or a job with good pay . It also involves living a life that even after years of your departure from the realm of men; your works will still speak in the hearts of men. In my previous posts, I said that if one must live a productive life, that person must first have a vision to live for. This means making your living meaningful. Secondly I also said that man is made or unmade by himself. This is to say that whatever decision we take guides us. Productivity is a matter of choice; it is not certificate, government or parent dependent. Its your choice to make. Another most important prerequisite for living a productive life is UNDERSTANDING YOUR SOURCE.  No one knows a product like the manufacturer. If you must move from who you are now to whom God created you be, you too must seek to understand God’s original design for you, before sin ravaged your life. Apart from God your source, you cannot live li...


I believe that the last post on this subject was really a blessing to you. Well, I would like to complete what has already been started. It has always been said that good things in life does not happen by themselves, rather they are made to happen. People make them to happen. This means that whatever good you desire to see in your life, it is in your power to make it happen.  When I was studying about this subject of being productive in life, I came across an amazing scripture that opened up an entirely new portal of understanding to me. Deut 30:19  I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. After going through this scripture over and over again, it dawned on me that another important factor that would lead a man to living a productive life is DECISION-BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR WHATEVER HAPPENS IN HIS LIFE. Apart from having a vision...


Should I say I missed my page or my wonderful readers? Well I missed both. February was really a busy month for me; I did a lot of travelling so I couldn’t just settle down to write. Never the less I am here again. *Smiling* Recently I was travelling to the western part of my country, Ibadan precisely, and a sign post caught my attention and this drove me into some hours of deep thoughts. The write up on it was an invitation to a place where you can actually be given rings for success and other things like money e.t.c. firstly I thought within myself, Do I actually need a ring to be successful in life? Is a ring a basic requirement to live a productive life? Is any man responsible for my success? These and so many other questions ran through my mind. While I was thinking about this matter, I remembered that James Allen once said “man is made and unmade by himself”. This cleared the way for answers to flow in at that minute. I have come to understand that no man was creat...


Myles Munroe my favorite author once shared a wonderful thought in one of his work that holds a great deal of life lesson. He said, “A sculptor works in a very interesting way, and it would be great foolishness to argue with an artist until he is finished. He said; don’t discuss anything with a painter or a sculptor until his work is completed. An artist can be very rude if you disturb him before he has accomplished what he intends to do, because he sees differently that those who are not artists. An artist can walk by the stone in your front yard and see a figure in it. He may stop by your house and beg you for a stone you have walked past many times without noticing. The dogs may have been doing stuff on it. You may even have been planning to get rid of it because it’s a nuisance. But the artist walks into your yard and sees something beautiful in that stone beyond what you can imagine. Two months later when the artist invites you to his workshop he says, “do you see that? D...


I just concluded a little research I started about two months ago, and I am really shocked at the findings.  By the Grace of God, I have been opportune to travel to different parts of my country and this gave me the opportunity to learn little about different culture.  I have also been opportune to meet great minds who I have in one way or the other, shared from their experience and knowledge.  Meeting these persons, have also shaped my understanding about certain important issues of life. A lot of Christians act in a way that is questionable and if such behavior or action brings about a negative result, God takes the blame. Most times, when we hear of the death of someone, many are quick to asking God why. A lot of persons even go ahead to blame God, some blame the old people in their villages; some link it to some sort of witchcraft manipulation.  There are a lot of cases I been studying for a while now, but I would love to share very few with you my wond...