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Should I say I missed my page or my wonderful readers? Well I missed both. February was really a busy month for me; I did a lot of travelling so I couldn’t just settle down to write. Never the less I am here again. *Smiling*
Recently I was travelling to the western part of my country, Ibadan precisely, and a sign post caught my attention and this drove me into some hours of deep thoughts. The write up on it was an invitation to a place where you can actually be given rings for success and other things like money e.t.c. firstly I thought within myself,
Do I actually need a ring to be successful in life?
Is a ring a basic requirement to live a productive life?
Is any man responsible for my success?
These and so many other questions ran through my mind. While I was thinking about this matter, I remembered that James Allen once said “man is made and unmade by himself”. This cleared the way for answers to flow in at that minute. I have come to understand that no man was created and sent to come and make me great except Jesus. After the act of love he displayed on the cross, whatever happened next was up to me. I would like to share some wonderful findings with us at this point.
The first reason why you see people complain, blame the government, relations or the society at large for not achieving anything in life is LACK OF VISION. A lot of persons drive through life with the rear mirror, that is, they live their life based on their past. They never dream or imagine, plan or set targets for their selves. They wake up to live each day by going through a normal routine that goes in circles. And when they don’t get the kind of results others get, they turn around looking for whom to blame. If one must live a productive life, then  those people has to understand that they are responsible for that kind of life and it starts with having a vision for your life.
The Bible says “Where there is no vision, the people perish…….” Proverbs 29; 18
What is vision? Vision is the ability to perceive something that is not actually visible at the moment, through keen foresight. It is what one expects to happen. Vision shows what has not happened in your life in which your spirit, soul and body engages in a pursuit to make it happen. 
Just like an engineer, the building plan is the vision. No building engineer jumps up from his bed to start a construction without a visible plan laid down. The plan is his vision. This plan shows everyone what would be constructed though some might not understand it even while looking at it. The plan, tells what the construction or project would be in the nearest future. This plan determines every step the builder takes.
Without vision, you cannot achieve anything. Can you imagine a man going to a bus station and say to the attendant selling tickets;
 “Please give me a ticket going to nowhere”.
 Try to picture the look on the attendants face. I believe the first question he or she would ask is;
 “Are you sure you are ok?”
 There is no bus destined for “nowhere”. And since every bus in the station is headed to a particular place, that man will remain there. “Vision is the destination and where there is no vision, stagnation is inevitable”.  
Most of the youths today are yet to understand this truth that is why even after spending all their life chasing a certificate, they come out waiting on the government to help their lives. It is far beyond having a certificate or bagging a degree. Most persons leave school with certificates but no vision. Papers don’t rule the world rather, ideas does. The world today is not looking for people with papers but people with visions and dream which can be used to bring about change. Though, this is not in any way trying to say that going to school is useless.  We have to understand that if we must change the quality of our lives, then we’ve got to be dreamers, people with vision. There are several other factors responsible for living a productive life, but I would relate it to us in my next post.
I love you all. Read, comment and don’t, I mean don’t forget to share..


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