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Better Together

Its so good to write again. My day was blessed. I would love to share a wonderful experience with us, believing that  it will minister to someone out there.
Deborah, a young teen is an example of a committed worker in her church. She never failed to use any opportunity she has in church to serve (work) God. In as much she was a chorister, she found joy teaching children in Sunday school classes, and also helped to keep the church clean. She rendered these services with all her heart. Even when some persons opted to be paying her for these services, she turned the offer down, because she believes its her own little way of saying thank you to God for her life.
This sister continued in her whole hearted service to God, until tragedy struck one day. Mike has been one of the pillars of the youth forum in that church. He started going out with Deborah. Along the line, they had sex, and the little girl became pregnant. Knowing what was already involved, they both decided to inform their parents about it. Deborah’s’ father being an elder in their church, said it was a disgrace to him as a highly placed person in the church. He sent his daughter out of the house that had no place to go to. Mike was sent to stay with his uncle in another state because his parents could not bear the shame.
Deborah left the house and found refuge in a friend’s house. Haven narrated her ordeal to her friend; she was advised to go for an abortion, following the fact that she would not be able to handle the responsibilities that comes with being a mother. After two weeks, she decided to go and do as she was told. Deborah went to the hospital for an abortion, but on getting there, God used a nurse to intervene. The nurse (Patricia by name), opened the scripture to her, making her realize that she was about to add up more sin on her head by committing murder. The nurse made her understand that one mistake is not the end of her life, and that Jesus still loved her no matter how she feels. This message made way straight into her heart and she decided to carry the pregnancy no matter what happens. This decision got her back into the street, but thank God for Patricia (the nurse)…… Hmmm.. let me pause here.
Do we really practice love in church and in our families or do we practice religion? What is the gospel of Christ without love? Most Christians go about condemning the people in the streets, forgetting that most of these people were the people who we denied love when they needed it most from their families or churches. We make it look like the church is only meant for the strong, and as such, people with imperfections have no place there.  We all have one form of imperfection in us. So many “great preachers to be” have been thrown into the wicked hands of the devil because their families or churches thinks that one single mistake or weakness automatically disqualifies them from being part of the house of God. Is there any believer who dropped down from heaven? No! we all are working to get to heaven from here.
Mum and dad, you complain of those kids acting like demon possessed people. Yeah, may be they do, but I think you failed to realize that if you had given some of them a little attention or a listening ear, you would have saved a lot from happening. Are you quick to forget that the love you denied some of them could come from the streets, thereby making them live like the streets. Pastors. It seems you have forgotten that those little kids you use as a topic on your pulpit as a Sunday diet could be changed by a simple message of love. Workers in the vine yard, those we condemn are our brothers and sisters. We all have weaknesses irrespective of any spiritual portfolio we may be holding in church. When we come to know this truth, it encourages fellowship between brethren. The race is not per head though we would be judged individually. Its not a personal race. 
Our limitations show how much we need each other. When we weave the weak strands of our lives together, a rope of great strength is created-RICK WARREN. Vance Hawner said,  “Christians like snowflakes, are frail, but when stock together, they can stop traffic”. All Gods great giants were weak people-Hudson Taylor. Moses’ weakness was his temper, it caused him to murder an Egyptian, strike the rock he was supposed to speak to, and break the tablets of Ten Commandments. Yet God transformed him into a meek man. Gideon’s weakness was low self esteem and insecurities, but God transformed him into a mighty man of valour.  Abraham also had fear as a weakness, which caused him to lie in some cases yet God made him the father of faith. The adulterer David became a man after Gods own heart. What about peter, what about Paul, what about john. God specializes in turning weakness into strength. Let us all as Christians learn to accept ourselves irrespective of our mistakes or weakness. Pastor instead of using your members’ mistake as your Sunday message, call them back in love… you can make them better that way.
I would also like to advice our youths to be mindful of the kind of things they do… let Christ be seen in any relationship.
I know you all would want to know how Deborah went through. Well, she gave birth to a baby boy, she is presently in her second year in the university and about to launch her music album.. oh! I almost forgot, she back with her parents. All thanks to Patricia who made herself available to God as an instrument of restoration.. Your greatest misery can also be your ministry.
Stay blessed.


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